Protecting and Defending what you've Earned
How to Join the CSPA
How to Join the CSPA
Why Not Join today:-
Why Not Join today:-
Full Membership is now open to pensioners who are in receipt of benefits from:-
- the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS), or
- pension schemes analogous to the PCSPS operated by fringe bodies such as Research Councils, or by other Non-departmental Public Bodies, or
- a pension scheme operated by a Civil Service trade union.
The Alliance already speaks for all Civil Service pensioners. It could however exercise even more influence if a higher proportion of Civil Service pensioners were to join it. It is therefore very much in your interest to join the Civil Service Pensioners' Alliance so that it may continue to defend and protect the value of your pension.
Associate Membership is open to pensioners who receive a pension from a publicly funded body such as Teachers or Health Service Workers.
The INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP subscription from 1st January 2023 will payable be either a monthly deduction of £1:50 per month from your Civil Service/Occupational Pension or an annual payment of £18:00 per year payable either by standing order, bank transfer or cheque.
Payment by monthly deduction can be arranged only if the Department of Finance and Personnel at Londonderry pays your pension.
This is our preferred method of payment because it is the most efficient and, therefore, saves the Alliance administrative costs.
Please note that Full Membership of the Northern Ireland Branch of CSPA is only available to those living in Northern Ireland or whose pension is paid by Northern Ireland Civil Service.
Unfortunately, the office in Belfast that collects our post is operating on restricted opening so please send any Membership applications directly to
Roisin Lilley
14 Cyprus Gardens,
Unfortunately, the office in Belfast that collects our post is operating on restricted opening so please send any Membership applications directly to
Roisin Lilley
14 Cyprus Gardens,
Click to view/print/download the Application form for Full Membership (in MS Word format) which covers both eventualities
Click to view/print/download the Application form for Associate Membership (in MS Word Format)
The modest level of subscription for the comprehensive service provided by the Alliance is only possible because, apart from the General Secretary and the small HQ staff, all of the officers of the Alliance give their services free. Therefore, donations from those who feel able to respond wold be very welcome and will help the Alliance to further its work for pensioners.
Please make any cheque payable to 'CSPA'.
The modest level of subscription for the comprehensive service provided by the Alliance is only possible because, apart from the General Secretary and the small HQ staff, all of the officers of the Alliance give their services free. Therefore, donations from those who feel able to respond wold be very welcome and will help the Alliance to further its work for pensioners.
Please make any cheque payable to 'CSPA'.